Saturday, June 7, 2014

Convert input string to Title case in C#

Hi All,
     This post is about how to convert your input string into TITLE case in C#.

First , let me tell you what is title case : 

When writing a name or a title, it is a common convention to only use capital letters to start the principal words. This is called Title Case. When using Title Case, do not use capital letters for prepositions, articles or conjunctions unless one is the first word.

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Newcastle upon Tyne / Brighton on Sea .
  • The DiMaggio Line .
  • The Last of the Mohicans .

You can convert your input string either in C# code  or in SQL function (scalar function) :

Convert to Title case in C#

  public static String TitleCaseString(String s)
            if (s == null) return s;

            String[] words = s.Split(' ');
            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                if (words[i].Length == 0) continue;

                Char firstChar = Char.ToUpper(words[i][0]);
                String rest = "";
                if (words[i].Length > 1)
                    rest = words[i].Substring(1).ToLower();
                words[i] = firstChar + rest;
            return String.Join(" ", words);


Convert to Title case in SQL Server function :

CREATE FUNCTION udf_TitleCase (@InputString VARCHAR(4000) ) 
 DECLARE @OutputString VARCHAR(255) 
 SET @OutputString = LOWER(@InputString) 
 SET @Index =
 SET @OutputString = 
 STUFF(@OutputString, 1, 1,UPPER(SUBSTRING(@InputString,1,1))) 
 WHILE @Index <= LEN(@InputString) 
 SET @Char = SUBSTRING(@InputString, @Index, 1) 
 IF @Char IN (' ', ';', ':', '!', '?', ',', '.', '_', '-', '/', '&','''','(') 
 IF @Index + 1 <= LEN(@InputString) 
 IF @Char != '''' 
 UPPER(SUBSTRING(@InputString, @Index + 1, 1)) != 'S' 
 SET @OutputString = 
 STUFF(@OutputString, @Index + 1, 1,UPPER(SUBSTRING(@InputString, @Index + 1, 1))) 
 SET @Index = @Index +
 RETURN ISNULL(@OutputString,'') 

   Hope this will help!!
  Nitin  Sharma