Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The 16 Sacraments of Life

n the Vedic Tradition, there are sixteen religious ceremonies known as Sanskars or the Sacraments of Life. The Sanskars are performed for the physical, social, and spiritual development of the individual. These are:

1. Garbhadhana: Performed shortly after the conception of a child, to ensure a healthy beginning for the new life.

2. Punsavana: Performed during the second or third month of pregnancy, to ensure the healthy development of all the extremities and vital organs of the fetus.

3. Simantonnayana: Performed during the last phases of pregnancy, to ensure the correct functioning of all the sensory organs and to bring the development of the fetus to a successful close.

4. Jatakarma: Performed after the birth of the child, to welcome the newborn as a new member of society.

5. Namakarana: Performed on the 11th or 12th day after birth, to give the child the name he or she will forthwith be known by.

6. Niskramana: Performed when the child is 2 to 4 months old, to invoke God's protection and blessings as the child leaves the home for the first time.

7. Annaprasana: Performed when the child is 4 to 6 months old, to celebrate the child's first consumption of solid food.

8. Chudakarma: Performed when the child is 1 year old, to support the development of self-awareness and autonomy in the child.

9. Karnavedha: Performed when the child is 3 to 5 years old, to support the development of self-esteem and self-respect.

10. Upanayana: Performed when the child is 5 to 7 years old, to celebrate the entrance of the child into the institution of formal education and the investment with the sacred thread, signalling the beginning of Brahmacharya or Student Life. Also known as Yajnopaveet.

11. Vedarambha: Performed when the child is 5 to 7 years old, to solidify the commitment of the child to receiving a good education.

12. Samavartana: Performed upon the completion of studies, to welcome the young adult as a valued member of society, ready to embark on the next stage of life, known as Grihastha or Household Life.

13. Vivaha: The marriage ceremony (usually undertaken around 25 years of age), to celebrate the happy union of the individual with a spouse of their choice who is suited to their nature and ready to embark upon Household Life.

14. Vaanaprastha Ashram: Undertaken upon retiring from one's chosen profession (usually between 50 and 75 years of age), to celebrate the completion of the duties of Household Life and the entrance into the phase of reflection and meditation known as Vaanaprastha Ashram.

15. Sanyaasa Ashram: Undertaken either after the completion of Brahmacharya (Student Life) or Vaanaprastha (Retired Life), to celebrate the renunciation of all worldly desires and absolute dedication to the service of mankind through spreading Vedic Wisdom.

16. Antyesti: Performed upon the death of the individual, when the body is consumed by fire and it's constituent elements are returned to Nature. This is the last ceremony. Also known as Antyesti, Naramedha and Purusmedha.