Stand erect |
Now raise your hands up and above the head Bend backwards as much as comfortable You will inhale as you bent your back Tilt the head backwards This position is called as Hasta Uttanasana |
Now slowly bend forward and start exhaling Your palms should touch the ground near your feet Touch the forehead to knees Ensure that you do not bend your legs to get into this position This position is called as Padahastasana |
Now maintain the hand position and take the right leg backwards Your left leg will naturally bend in the knee Place the right leg such that its toe and knee are touching the floor Bend backwards and try to see as backward as possible You will be inhaling as you hold this position for a few seconds This position is called as Ashwa Sanchalana |
Now maintaining the hand position bring the left leg and place it beside the right one If your leg position is correct then your buttocks will be raised upwards and head will go down This will make your body look like upwards pointing triangle or mountain Try to touch your heels to the floor Exhale slowly This position is called as Parvatasana |
Maintain the position of your feet Bend in the knees and touch them to the ground Touch chest and chin to the floor The eight parts of your body i.e. two feet, two hands, two knees, chest and chin are now touching the ground This position is called as Ashtanga Namaskara |
Now touch your thighs to the ground Push the chest forward and take the head upwards Your back will arch Hands will support your trunk Inhale while in this position This position is called as Bhujangasana |
Maintain the position of hands and feet Raise your buttocks up and again attain Parvatasana Exhale as you are moving into this position |
Bring the left leg forward and place the foot between the hands Take your head up and bend backwards You will attain Ashwa Sanchalana position again |
Bring the right leg forward Touch palms to the ground and head to knees You will attain Padahastasana position again |
Raise your upper body Bend backwards and take your arms up and behind You will attain Hasta Uttanasana again |
Be straight Lower your arms and assume Pranamasana position |
Signs of correct practice
- Your body may pain for the first few days of the practice
- Afterwards you will feel energetic throughout the day
- There will not be sign of laziness or sluggishness
- Your entire body will be charged up with energy
- Minor diseases such as digestive disorders and cold will vanish
Signs of erroneous practice
- Body pain continuous even after reasonable practice
- Increased blood pressure
- Fatigue after the practice
- Heavy breathing during and after the practice.
So Guys..!!!