Monday, September 16, 2013

How to find 2nd,3rd,4th ..... nth largest / smallest salary in a table

Hi All ,
   Just thought to share with you some simple SQL query that is used very frequently in our projects and mostly asked in interviews as well.
It is " Write a SQL Query to find the 2nd, 3rd, 4th ...........nth largest salary from a table".

Note  here N , N is equal to which largest salary you want to find. Like if you want to find 2nd highest , it will be Top 1 , if you want to find 3rd highest it will be Top 2 , if you want to find 4th highest it will be Top 3 and so on........

So Here is the SQL Query to find out the 3rd largest query from a table :

Similarly if you want to find the smallest salary , the above will remain same except you have to replace :
1)MAX(Salary) with MIN(Salary)  
2) Order by Salary Desc with Order by Salary Asc

Here's the query to find the 2nd smallest salary from the table ...

Nitin Sharma

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Interview Questions :- .NET,ASP.NET , SQL Server , C#, SharePoint, Javascript, Jquery

Hey All,
   Below are some Questions ( not answers :-) ) that are asked in interviews that I have faced. Hope they prove useful to you for your preparation at some point of time.

 The Questions are mixed of : ASP.NET , SQL Server , .NET Framework , SharePoint , C# , OOPS

  1. What are magic tables in SQL Server 
  2.  How many and what are temp tables in Sql Server ?
  3.  How will you call trigger in Sql Server ?
  4.  How will you call function in Sql Server ?
  5.   There are 2 tables A and B having 3 columns each...What is the output of " Select * from A,B?
  6.   What is the maximum number of Clustered indexes a table can have ?
  7.  when you update a table in SQL Server management studio .., what exactly happens ?
  8.  What is project life cycle?
  9.  What are the differences b/w SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2012?
  10.  What is the difference between Site Template and Site Definition?
  11.  What are Generics in C# ? What is the use of it ?
  12.  Protected vs Protected Internal in C# ?
  13.  can we create master page through sharepoint desginer ?
  14.  what is the difference between creating items through sharepoint designer and sharepoint server?
  15.  ASP.NET page life cycle?
  16.  when can we change page's Viewstate ? on which event ?
  17.  can you create site template ? how ?
  18.  what is the prurpose of SPSecurity class in SharePoint ?
  19.  what is Code access security in .NET ?
  20.  There are 2 tables A and B... A has 3 columns , 5 rows ... B has 2 columns , 3 rows ..What will be the output of  a) Select * from A,B b) cross join between 2 tables (how many rows and columns will a cross join between 2 tables return ?)
  21.  What are Cross joins ?
  22. how will update sharepoint list ? write the code.
  23.  what are extension methods in C#?
  24.  what are anonymous methods in c#?
  25.  why multiple inheritance is not possible in C#?
  26. what is a site column in SharePoint?
  27. Difference b/w sandboxed and Farm solution?
  28.  Difference b/w Web Parts and Visual Web Parts.
  29.  how to make a master page in Sharepoint Site?
  30.  abstract class vs interfaces
  31.   Explain Sharepoint Object Model
  32.  What are SPutility and SPMetal in SharePoint ?
  33.  What is .wsdl file in a web service ? 
  34.  how many ways you handle erors in a web page ?
  35.  HttpUtility class vs Http Module
  36.  Can you run JSP pages in IIS ? How ?
  37.  which exception will first occur ?inside BAL , DAL , or UI layers'?
  38.  What does theme in CSS contains ?
  39.  What are views in SQL Server ? can we perform DML in Views?
  40.  User Defined Functions Vs Stored Procedure?
  41.  Difference b/w SQL variable @ and @@
  42.  Difference between Hidden Field vs Viewstate ?
  43.  Boxing and Unboxing difference
  44. What are extension methods and extension classes in C#?
  45.  Inproc vs Outproc in Stored Procedures?
  46.  HTTP module vs HTTP handler
  47.  HTTP get vs HTTP Post?
  48. Abstraction vs Encapsulation
  49.  overloded methods can have different return type?
  50.  static class vs Sealed classes .. why are they used ?
  51.  polymorphism in C#
  52.  types of triggers in SQL SERVER
  53.  Left outer join in SQL SERVER
  54.  What are indexes in SQL SERVER
  55.  What are cursors in SQL Server
  56.  What is the new keyword in Method overriding?
  57.  What are different types of views in SQL Server?
  58.  what is a $ sign in Jquery ?
  59.  How will you enable a website to run only for indian country?
  60.  what are lambda expressions in C#?
  61.  what is difference between array and arraylist ? when to use what and which one is faster?
  62.  what is datareader ? how is it different from dataset?
  63.  What are out, ref parameter in C# method?
  64.  For vs ForEach loop
  65. what is the benefit of putting the .wsp or solution file inside GAC and inside BIN?
  66.  what is RunWithElevatedPrivileges in SharePoint?
  67.  what is the difference between webpart and Visual WebPart?
  68.  what is the difference between Sytem.web.UI.WebControls.Webparts.WebPart vs Microsoft.Sharepoint.WebPart?
  69.  Abstraction Vs Encapsulation
  70.  What is viewstate ? Can you store collections in Viewstate?
  71.  What is the difference between Stored Procedures and User Defined Functions in Sql Server ?
  72.  What is LINQ and advantages of LINQ ?
  73.  I have a collection of strings , Which will be more efficient LINQ or normal for / for each loop?
  74.  What are the ways of storing information into clients computers?
  75.  What are Selectors in Jquery ?
  76.  What are the advantages of Entity Framework?
  77.  Request vs Response Cycle of a Page?
  78. Limitations of sharepoint designer
  79. how will you create master pages and how will you deploy?
  80.  what is a feature ? how will you deploy feature?
  81.  how will you associate one content type to 3 lists ?
  82.  What is caching ? How many types of caching is there?
  83.  What is the difference between caching and session ?
  84.  Generic list vs arraylist vs array in terms of performance and why ?
  85.  why serialization is done and what are the types of serialization?
  86.  What is the difference b/w caching and Session ?
  87. Difference b/w httphandlers and http modules.
  88.  what are the limitations or disadvandtages of Generics
  89.  how to find the 4th highest salary in table?
  90.  .net 2.0 vs .net 4.0 features
  91.  What is garbage collector ?
  92.  garbage collector dispose vs finalize 
  93.  what are table valued functions in SQL Server
  94.  What are shared assemblies
  95.  What is Isnull and collasce operator in SQL Server?
  96.  interface vs abstract class
  97.  return server date in javascript 
  98.  how to increment each salary of all employees with 500 
  99.  how to work with cookies in 
  100.  javascript function on html control click and control click