Monday, August 25, 2008

Using Google as a Hindi to English dictionary

Recently, an employee at a client’s place was trying to understand an article in Hindi. She came across a word मूल्य वर्धित (Mulya Vardhit) in Hindi. She wanted to know its meaning. Me and other people in the room started guessing and arguing, based on the context, in which the term was used. But no one was sure. Leaving others to guess, I did the following:

Went to Google Indic Transliteration at
Typed in Mulya Vardhit (in English) in the text area. It showed me Mulya Vardhit in Hindi (note that this is transliteration and not translation).
Selected Mulya Vardhit in Hindi, right clicked and selected Copy. Basically copied Mulya Vardhit’s text in Hindi.
Note: The above step saved me from typing in Hindi using a Hindi virtual keyword (for example).
Then I went to Google Translate at
On the tab “Text and Web”, I pasted (CTRL-V) the hindi text into the text area (labelled as “Original Text”).
From the dropdowns, I selected Hindi >> English.
Clicked on Translate.
I popped up and declared to everyone that “Mulya Vardhit” stands for “Value Added”. The person was reading an article about mobile services and the article was talking about some “value added” servcies.
Obviously there may be other, quicker or better ways to Hindi to English. But this is the Google way