Monday, July 25, 2011

Http Error : 503. The service is unavailable. SharePoint Central Administration and SharePoint WebApplication

Hi All,
Last Friday , I ran Windows Updates on my Machine. and then ran my SharePoint Site and faced an error "Http Error : 503. The service is unavailable."(See the snapshot below).

I run a headache looking into a solution of this problem, tried restarting all services, sql server and even rebooted my machine serveral times. And after which I found that the Application Pool of all sites was stopped. I started the Application Pool for SharePoint Admin and Other SharePoint WebApplication, and things went fine as usual.

Go to IIS, Application Pools and start the Application Pool one by one of each application.(See the below snapshot)

My Machine Specs: Windows Server 2008 R2, Sql Server 2008 R2, SharePoint Server 2010, Visual Studio 2010

Hope this solution will solve your problem.

Nitin Sharma