In this post I will apply my own style to the Gridview Control.
1) Add a new page say "GV.aspx" in your website/web application.
2) Drag and drop Gridview and a button control from the toolbox on the page.
3) Bind the Gridview on page load event. I have used LINQ to SQL In this example for binding the Gridview.
The database used is Northwind. The name of LINQ class here is DB and I have added two tables Product and Category.
DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext();
protected void Page_Load(object
sender, EventArgs e)
// Simple
LINQ query
products = from p in
p.Category.CategoryName == "Beverages"
GridView1.DataSource = products;
Note that I have instantiated DataContext class outside the Page Load event making it Global to the page.
4) Now I will create a new style from the Style class and apply it to the Gridview using ApplyStyle() method.On the button Click Event add this piece of code:
protected void btnStyle_Click(object
sender, EventArgs e)
myStyle = new Style();
myStyle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
myStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Turquoise;
myStyle.Font.Bold = true;
myStyle.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid;
5) Run it and click on the button and see the output.Below is the screenshot showing before and after applying style.
Gridview before applying style
Gridview after applying style (Click on Apply Style Button)
That's it..!
Nitin Sharma